Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Almond Harvest

Its that time of the year in Tehama County when the almonds are harvested. First they shake the trees and all the fallen almonds are raked into a pile between the trees (see first picture). A large vacuum truck sucks up the almonds (dirt twigs and shells) and dispenses them onto a conveyor which loads the trucks (see second picture). They are then taken to the plants for processing. One farmer told me this year's crop wasn't as good a last year but he'll take. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).

Truck Wreck on Highway 99 E

A couple days ago I was traveling east on highway 99 E and saw this truck overturned in the middle of the highway near the Vina turnoff. It must have just happened as no cars were backed up. I had to make a delivery in Vina, and since the highway patrol was already there, I turned around and took another route as I was behind in my deliveries. I hope no one was hurt. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).