Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gas Prices Falling Even Lower!

I got gas here yesterday and was amazed that I spent only $29.00 for a fill-up. It seems like ages ago that gas prices were this low. But they still don't match the prices I paid back in Texas during the early 1960's. Back then the cost would be $1.95 and I would have gotten 20 time blue chip stamps plus getting my oil, water, battery and tires checked. Did I mention the service also included getting my windshields cleaned. And all this by a man in a uniform. How times have changed........... (Just click on the picture for a larger view).

The Dog Collar Man

Recently I made a delivery of some U-Line material to an address in Los Molinos. After talking with the recipient for awhile I learned that he has an interesting occupation. He makes Dog Collars and ships them all over the world. His name is Preston Smith and he has been crafting leather products for 30 years. You can assess his web site at but if you are in the market for a quality dog collar, just call him at (530) 384-1930. (Click on the picture for a larger view).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Red Bluff's View of Mt Lassen

Looking East from atop Antelope Blvd as it crosses over Interstate 5 you can see Mt Lassen in the distance. It is nice to see snow on it for a change. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Looking For Treasure

Here I am with my friend and colleague, John, metal detecting for those elusive treasures. It was a beautiful day at the Anderson Fair Ground where we did some coin shooting. I found $1.59 but I think John found a little bit more. However, the highlight of the day for me was finding this Deputy Sheriff Shasta County Badge and this Bronze California National Guard Excellence Medallion. Both pieces were buried about 4 inches under the grass & dirt. The back of the Badge says its 3K gold. The Medallion has embossed on the back "For your contribution and support in response to SEPTEMBER 11, 2001". All in all it was a good day for John and me. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).

Gas Prices are Still Falling

This station in Red Bluff had the lowest gas prices in town. But when I got Corning, the price at Flying J was $1.97. (Click on the picture for a larger view).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still Lower Gas Prices

Gas prices at this station in Corning dropped 12 cents from Friday to Monday. Hope it continues to come down. (Just click on the picture for larger view).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gas Prices Still Falling

Gas prices are still falling. Here in Corning it dropped 2 cents from yesterday. This truck stop is one of my delivery points so I filled up while I was here. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gas Prices Are Coming Down

Its been a long time since I've seen gas prices as low as this. These two stations are located in Corning, California across the street from one another and their prices are the lowest I've seen along my travels. I hope the prices continue to go lower. (Click on the pictures for a larger view).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Walking Man

I see this young man walking the streets of Red Bluff almost daily. From the heart of town to the outskirts of Dairyville and Hwy 99w this young man walks as if he was on a mission. I don't know why he walks or for what purpose but he's out there just the same. Sometimes I see him with a bag in hand but most of the time he is carrying nothing at all. Someday I hope to strike up a conversation with him and perhaps learn the reason for his dedicated walks. (Click the picture for a larger view).