As I topped the hill overlooking Anderson this morning on my way to work it appeared that a lake was where most of Anderson would be. But not so! Its just a bank of low hanging fog. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
This quaint little Methodist Church is located on Highway 99E in the little community of Diaryville which is just East of Red Bluff. I pass by it almost daily on my way to or from Los Molinos. (Just click on the pictures for a large view).
I make deliveries often to the court house in Red Bluff. Their decoration for this year is Santa's Stable which is seen just inside on the main floor. The pictures don't show it but there is snow all around the building. Looks just like an old wooden stable or barn. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
Pictured is the First Church of God located on Luther Road in Red Bluff. I pass this house of worship many times making my deliveries. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
Continuing my series on Houses of Worship, here is the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses located on Hoag Rd in Corning. Actually I don't believe it is a House of Worship but rather a meeting place for members of the Jehovah Witness faith. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
Recently I made a delivery in the little community of Rancho Tehama and saw this house of worship which is simply called Rancho Tehama Community Church. Rancho Tehama is located northwest about 15 miles from downtown Corning. So far I've only found one sign directing you to this little community and its posted after you turn off Interstate 5 onto Gyle Road. If first time visitors miss seeing this sign they are apt to get lost. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
During my daily travels I pass by many houses of worship. I hope to start a series of the various churches I see along the way. I will start with the one we attend. It is the First Baptist Church of Cottonwood and was established in 1896. Its location is 3370 Brush Street which I believe was the original site of Cottonwood School established in 1889. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
These Canadian Honkers are on their way South. But first they will stop overnight at my Cottonwood Creek Ranch. Here you can see many have already landed and others are beginning their approach. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
I made a delivery today in Mineral at the Lassic Volcanic National Park and was surprised to see how much it had snowed a couple of nights ago. But then Mineral usually get a lot of snow during the winter months. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
He's standing still now but just until the light changes. Then he'll be on his way which looks like towards Road 99W. That is the apposite direction from his last mission. Go get'em running man! (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
This house in Corning is ready for Trick or Treader's this Halloween. I wonder just how many kids these signs will scare. As for me, I did feel the presents of ghosts when I drove by. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Yesterday I ran across this sign as I turned off Highway 36 W into the small community of Paynes Creek. You can tell its deer hunting season just by the sign. My delivery would be another three miles in on Plum Creek Road to the ISHI Conservation Camp. It was a beautiful day and I will stop along the way to gather a few more lava rocks for my yard. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
This time the Walking Man is miles from downtown Red Bluff as he continues his mission along Highway 99 E heading East towards Los Molinos. I would like to know just how far he intends to walk before heading back to Red Bluff but I don't have time to wait for an answer. I got important items to deliver. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
You are looking at the intersection of Rowles Road and Highway 99E. If you turn right you go about 3 miles to my Vina stop on Haillie Road which I make about 2 or three times a month. After this stop I go back to Red Bluff. It is open country in this area and good cattle grazing. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
The walnuts you see here were knocked down by the recent wind and rain storm that came through the area. The ground is still too wet to harvest them now but soon they will be racked up in piles and hauled to walnut shelling companies. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
Walnuts are harvested much like almonds. The vehicle that goes down between the rows of trees has sweepers and blowers in front of each of the four tires. It also has a long vise-like grip that clamps onto the tree trunk and gives the tree a vigorous shake. Those little specks you see in the picture are the walnuts falling as the tree is been shaken. The sweepers and blowers at each tire clears away the fallen walnuts so as not to crush them as the vehicle moves from tree to tree. Then the walnuts are swept into piles and vacuumed up by another vehicle. A large conveyor is used to load the walnuts into open top trailers. The recent wind and rain storm we had sure left unharvested walnuts all over the ground. One farmer told me that if it continued to rain the walnuts could get moldy inside the shells and not fit to sell. But luckily different varieties of walnuts are harvested at different times. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It was a stormy day when I got this shot of wild turkeys. But the rain was a welcome site as its been too dry for too long. It must be mating season as they didn't want to move too much when I approached them. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Its that time of the year in Tehama County when the almonds are harvested. First they shake the trees and all the fallen almonds are raked into a pile between the trees (see first picture). A large vacuum truck sucks up the almonds (dirt twigs and shells) and dispenses them onto a conveyor which loads the trucks (see second picture). They are then taken to the plants for processing. One farmer told me this year's crop wasn't as good a last year but he'll take. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
A couple days ago I was traveling east on highway 99 E and saw this truck overturned in the middle of the highway near the Vina turnoff. It must have just happened as no cars were backed up. I had to make a delivery in Vina, and since the highway patrol was already there, I turned around and took another route as I was behind in my deliveries. I hope no one was hurt. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Most folks in this area would be surprised to know that the tiny community of Proberta has a shopping Mall. Well here's proof that Proberta does in fact have a shopping mall. And the mall shares the building with the Post Office. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Just happened to catch this group of wild turkeys as they fed on my neighbors front yard. One had a limp as if a leg had been damaged but that don't stop them from flying. We have a lot of wild turkeys in this area. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Recently I had to make a delivery in Cottonwood's countryside (out where there's mostly gravel roads). It was the same day I had a flat tire and the weather was toasty. When I got to this point I decided to take the low road as the bridge was very narrow. I'm just glad the creek was dry. After this delivery I had one more and it was in Platina. Sure glad I didn't have another flat or I would have had to call a tow truck. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
The small community of Flournoy, California is located about twelve miles west of Corning where Corning Road and Paskenta Road meet and I deliver to this community pretty often. Established in 1906, Flournoy's main product is cattle and goats. The community's single store serves as Post Office, Grocery Store and Deli/Cafe. As you can see by the sign the little cafe is famous for its Belly Buster Burger and Arizona Ice Tea. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
It looks like another bumper crop of Almonds here in the Corning area this year. Just look how loaded this one tree is. They tell me the harvest will start in a couple of weeks. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
While making a delivery in the Happy Valley Area of Anderson I came upon this flock of wild Turkeys. All I could see was the mother and many small ones. I took this picture from the passenger side as they were scampering up an embankment. Right after the picture I saw them take wing. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
I was driving down this country road between Red Bluff and Corning and came upon this Peacock who was very slow in crossing the road. Too bad he didn't have his full colors showing. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
These two people are dedicated. Almost every day I see them on the streets of Red Bluff making their rounds. The lady with the cart and dogs and the walking man. They sure have heart. (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).
This sign is posted on Highway 36 West a few miles before the community of Platina. I have never had to make a delivery to these places and hope I don't have to. Its a gravel road and no telling what you would find at the other end. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
You are looking toward the West on Front Street in Cottonwood. Not much has changed (building-wise) from the mid 1800's. You will note the exceptionally wide street which was designed for wagons to turn around. Of course it was a dirt street back in those days and I'm sure very muddy during the rainy season. The Wells Fargo Stage use to stop about where the van is parked. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
These two friendly ponies wouldn't budge even when I walked between them to put my package on the front porch. I gave them each a pat on the nose and they seemed to enjoy it. Guess I'll have to start taking some sugar cubes or carrots in addition to my dog biscuits. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
As you can see the Walking Man continues his mission whatever that may be. I see him almost daily on my route as I make deliveries here in Red Bluff. This was taken at Antelope just before going over Interstate 5. (Click on the picture for a larger view).
This beautiful log home is located on Majestic Drive in the outskirts of Cottonwood and I have delivered to this place several times but never to find anyone home. On one occasion I was told by a Real Estate man that the home was owned by Clint Eastwood in his early years. How early I do not know. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Today was my first time to make a delivery in the beautiful little community of Manton. Manton is just northeast of Paynes Creek at about 2000 feet elevation. The town view picture was taken through the car windshield as I approached the town. The smudges are the remains of suicidal bugs (sorry about that). (Just click on the pictures for a larger view).