This was taken on Wildcat Road near Paynes Creek after making a delivery to the Darrah Springs Fish Hatchery in Paynes Creek, California. It was just starting to snow again when I got this shot but it didn't last long as I was heading toward lower ground. From this point I would take Ash Creek Road to Balls Ferry and arrive in Cottonwood. (Click on the picture for a larger view).
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Beware...Pit Bull at Large!

The first time I saw this Pit bull he was tied to the front porch of a mobile home. Before approaching the home I checked to see how far he could come at me before he reached the end of his leash. The dog never barked or made any motions to come at me so I slowly approached the home. As I got closer he got up and just stood there wagging his tail. It was obvious he was a young dog and didn't seem vicious at all. So I walked up steps, gave him a biscuit, patted him on the head, and knocked on the door. There were other dogs in the house and they started barking (that scared me some) but the owner who opened the door was friendly and thank goodness so was his Pit Bull. This dog has matured now but he is still as friendly as ever. Sometimes I don't see him when I make this delivery stop every couple of weeks but when I do he just wags his tail and waits for his biscuit. I just wish all the dogs on my route were as friendly as this one. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen

The picture on the right is Mount Shasta as seen from the Lake California private Airstrip in Cottonwood, California. There is plenty of snow on top now as the temperatures have dropped in the last couple of days. The picture on the left is Mount Lassen which was taken from the same view point as Mount Shasta. Mount Lassen is just North East of Mount Shasta. (Just click on the pictures for larger views).
Monday, November 26, 2007
Autumn in Dairyville, California

Autumn has arrived and I think almost every Walnut tree along my Route has turned that golden Autumn color. Dairyville is a very small community on Highway 99E between Red Bluff and Corning and on both sides of the Highway between these locations are miles of Walnut Tree Orchards. The picture you are viewing are young trees. The older trees are much larger. (Just click on the picture for a larger view).
Friday, November 16, 2007
Never To Be Again
This sign in Olinda on Happy Vally Road is left to remind us of the good ole days. But it really hasn't been that long ago. I go even further back to gas station signs in Texas that advertised 14 Cents/gal with 20 times Blue Chip Stamps. Back then a uniformed man would check your tires, water, battery, and clean your windshields just for the few dollars it took to fill the tank. And don't forget those precious Blue Chip Stamps that came as a bonus. (Just click on the picture for a larger view.)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Post Office at Tehama, California
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Post Office In Vina, California

Every wonder what the Post Offices looks like in very small towns or communities? Well, I will be showing pictures of Post Offices in the small communities in which I occasionally make deliveries. In these small communities, I have yet to find an unfriendly Post Master or one unable to assist me in finding an address; and I have sought their help often. The picture you are viewing is the Post Office in Vina, California. Vina is a very small community South of Corning, California and just off Highway 99E. Probably the main industry in Vina is walnuts and almonds with some cattle ranches. (Just click on the picture for a larger view.)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Where is The Cowboy?

When I first drove past this riderless horse I didn't think much about it. But I got to thinking that maybe the rider had been thrown off. I turned around and on a closer look I could see the horse was tied to a fence. All seemed to be OK so I took this picture and continued on my Route. (Just click on the picture for a larger view.)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Cottonfield in Gerber

These pictures of a single cotton field were taken along I-5 near the Gerber, California turnoff. I must say it rekindled old childhood memories of when I picked cotton in Mississippi back in the early 1940's. We didn't use machines then but walked or crawled down the long furrors pulling a very long grass sack while plucking the soft cotton from its dead bolls. I think I made about 2 or 3 cents per pound and it took a lot of cotton to weigh a pound. This scene reminds me of the old song "....when them cotton bolls get rotten you can pick very much cotton in them ole cotton fields back home...". In one of the pictures you can see Snow covered Mount Shasta in the background. (For a larger view just click on the pictures.)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Trip to Hornbrook

Last Saturday I delivered to the lovely little mountainous town of Hornbrook, California which is on Interstate 5 near the Oregon border. The picture of the Klamath River was taken from the front yard of the the recipient of the package. I did a lot of gold panning on this river back in my gold prospecting days but further west toward Happy Camp. And naturally I couldn't resist taking a picture of Mount Shasta with its recent blanket of snow. I hope we have a good snow pack this year. (Click on the pictures for a closer view.)
Monday, September 24, 2007
View From Platina Road

Friends At Last

Saturday, September 22, 2007
More Feeding Bucks

These bucks have grown since the last time they grazed on my lawn (guess I won't have to mow this week). You can be sure that Rutting season has not yet arrived because their minds are still focused on grass instead of you know what. Or maybe they are just discussing over dinner which Does will be theirs. Anyway, friendships will cease soon and they will be in furious competition.
(Just click on the picture for a larger view.)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Olive Tree

It looks like a bumper crop of olives this year here in Corning, California. Just look at those beautiful olives hanging on each branch. I understand they are now harvesting for the black olive market. I, for one, prefer olives stuffed with a garlic clove but I like them any way they are prepared. (Just click on the picture for a close-up look.)
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Town of Los Molinos

Looking North on Highway 99 East is the main drag of this small town of Los Molinos.It is located about 12 miles South of Red Bluff and I make deliveries to this community almost daily. One of my deliveries is to this feed store owned by Mr. Cheadle. Not only is Mr. Cheadle the owner of the store but he is also the local Taxidermist. The third picture shows some of the beautiful work he’s done that is waiting for customer pick-up. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them for better viewing.)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wild Horse Ranch

The Wild Horse Ranch is situated on Highway 36 West in the Community of Platina, California. This 14,000-acre mountainous ranch is open to the public for horseback riding, camping, hiking, and just plain relaxation. This is one of my delivery stops in Platina where a friendly security guard always greets me. This would be a great place to spend a weekend or longer. (Just click on the picture to enlarge it for better viewing.)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Casinos in Corning?

You can’t miss it. The Rolling Hills Indian Casino, with its tall blinking billboard, sets atop a hill just off Interstate 5 on Rawson Road in Corning. I deliver to this casino occasionally but my time prohibits me from venturing inside for fun and games. However, my wife and I have dined there before and the food was excellent. (Click the picture to enlarge for better viewing.)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The City of Red Bluff

The view of the Sacramento River was taken from the Antelope Blvd Bridge looking south. It is the largest river in California and supplies drinking and irrigation water to communities and farms in both northern and southern California. The river is also famous for its sports fishing and I’m happy to say I have caught my share of Trout, Steel head, Chad, and Salmon while fishing this river. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them for better viewing.)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Highway 36 West Road Construction

This picture was taken from inside my vehicle of the major road construction on Highway 36 West out of Red Bluff. Cal Trans calls it “Road Alignment” which is short for “Straightening out the Curves”. And believe me, this is one curvy Highway. There is going to be some long delays on this dusty road before it is paved and completed. Fortunately I don’t have to travel it often to make deliveries in Platina. (Just click on the picture to enlarge it for better viewing.)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Airport Drop
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dedicated Lady

I have seen this sweet little old lady on several streets of Red Bluff as I made my deliveries. With her three dogs on leashes and pushing her grocery store metal cart, she covers a lot of ground. Her cart is usually full of something in plastic bags. It could be groceries but perhaps it is cans or plastic bottles or even debris from the streets; guess I’ll never know. What her name is or where she lives I also do not know, but she did stop to pose and smile when I took this picture. I hope to chat with her someday; her story would be most interesting. (Click on the picture to enlarge it for better viewing.)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Bob, Bing and Dolly at the Dog Crossing

Back on July 30 you saw my Post entitled “Dog Crossing”. Well here are the three dogs that rush to meet me when I arrive at this stop. Their names are Bob, Bing and Dolly. Naturally they are after their biscuits and if I don’t have them handy they will literally climb into my van after their treats. (Click on the picture to enlarge it for better viewing.)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
CORNING The Olive City

Looking West on Solano Blvd you see the main drag of this sleepy little California City of Corning. Aptly named the Olive City (see first picture), there are numerous orchards of Olive Trees throughout the area. But Olives aren’t the only agriculture this area offers. There are countless orchards of Nut and Fruit Trees, including Almonds, Walnuts, Prunes, Apricots, and Plums just to name a few. And don’t let me forget to mention there are also Cattle, Horse and Goat Ranches as well. I make a lot of deliveries throughout this vast area and meet a lot of wonderful folks along the way. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them for better viewing.)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Dog Crossing

Friday, July 27, 2007
Off To Work I Go
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Road Kill Willie

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Bucks At Dawn
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Beginning
Today is Friday, July 20, 2007, and I begin my Hiway Journals Blog. I hope it will be filled with interesting people, places and things I see along my GSO Route. My Regular Route takes me to these Northern California towns and communities: Red Bluff, Corning, Los Molinos, Gerber, Proberta, Vina, Pasakenta, Paynes Creek, and Platina. The roads I travel are both paved and gravel and they lead me to some very remote areas.
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